how long does it take for preworkout to kick in

Preworkout Advice: How Long Does It Take for Preworkout to Kick In?

Professional athletes and gym enthusiasts alike take pre-workout supplements to temporarily boost athletic performance and energy levels during a training session. 

Because the effects are only temporary, you must acurately time your consumption of the preworkout supplement. So how long does it take for preworkout to kick in? In this article, we will answer this question, as well as explore the effects and risks of taking these dietary supplements. 

How Long Does It Take for Preworkout to Kick in?

how long does it take for preworkout to kick in

With pre-workout intake, timing is everything. You don’t want to take it too early and have it wear out before you hit the gym, or take it too late and feel too wired to take a nap or rest. 

The time it takes your pre-workout powder to kick in and stay in your bloodstream depends on the key ingredient it’s made with. Two of the most widely used active ingredients in pre-workout formulas are arginine and caffeine. 

It takes about 60 minutes for the effect of caffeine in your system to appear and 60-90 minutes for arginine to kick in after consumption. 

Ideally, you should take pre-workout supplements 30-60 minutes before your workout. Once ingested, the pre-workout nutrients are broken down in your stomach. They are then absorbed into your bloodstream and then distributed throughout the body. This entire process will take about 30-60 minutes to complete.

You can take the supplements an hour before your workout time, depending on your schedule. However, note that you may begin to feel the effects of the pre-workout before you hit the gym. 

How Long Does Pre-Workout Stay In Your System?

workout supplement

Arginine causes the blood vessels to expand, and in the process, increases blood flow. It can take anywhere from 30-120 minutes for half the concentration of arginine to wear out, depending on the dose consumed and how your body uses it. 

In comparison, caffeine stays longer in your system. It will take about 5 hours for half the concentration of caffeine in your bloodstream to wear out. Research shows that caffeine will fully kick in 60 minutes after consumption and can remain in your system for up to 1½ – 9½ hours after, depending on the individual.   

Given the different times it takes for the active ingredients to reduce by half in your system, it’s safe to say that you should expect the effects of a pre-workout to remain in your system for 30 minutes to 2 hours. It all boils down to:

  • Your sensitivity to the active ingredients
  • Your body mass
  • Your level of activity
  • The number of servings you ingest at a given time
  • The concentration of each ingredient in a serving

Is It Safe To Take Preworkout?

drinking supplement

As with all things, moderation is key. The components of a pre-workout are safe to consume but they do have potential side effects. Despite how beneficial these pre-workout products can be, overconsumption can lead to caffeine and niacin toxicity.

Too much caffeine and niacin in the system at once could drastically affect the blood pressure and lead to other heart complications

Final Thoughts

The best time to take a pre-workout is between 30-60 minutes before your workout. Although this is not a complete answer to the “how long does it take for preworkout to kick in” question, it gives you a reasonable time limit in which you can fully take advantage of the benefits of your preworkout.

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