fried chicken after workout, Women Eating Fried Chicken

Is it Okay to Eat Fried Chicken After a Workout?

Is it Okay to Eat Fried Chicken After a Workout?
Is it Okay to Eat Fried Chicken After a Workout? Image provided by Shardar Tarikul via Unsplash.

Is it Okay to Eat Fried Chicken After a Workout?

Yum! Who doesn’t love fried chicken? Better yet, who wouldn’t want to enjoy it as a reward after a hearty workout?! It’s salty, crispy, full of fat and protein.

However, despite how delicious the above image looks; you should avoid eating fried foods after a workout because they contain little health benefits and can be loaded in trans-fats. The high fat slows the digestion process making you feel sluggish after eating it.

When you are putting your body through strain by working out, you should aim to give your body nutrients it needs post workout that nourishes it.

Instead of fried foods, try eating bake, boiled, or steamed protein. You can pair it with complex carbohydrates that will fuel your body and isn’t too heavy on the digestion. It can provide you with lasting energy because you are fueling it properly.

What about enjoying fried chicken every now and then?

Fried chicken is loved by many. Sometimes you just crave the salt, crunch, and fatty flavor. It is something that should not be enjoyed regularly because it can set you back. However, eating it every now and then will not harm you and you can eat this as part of a healthy diet as long as you eat it sparingly.

Is There a Healthier Version of Crispy Chicken?

Yes! I found a low-fat version of fried chicken version that is baked but allows you to enjoy the crispiness that most enjoy. It is low carb oven fried chicken recipe that is super delicious!

Eating oven crispy chicken after a workout can be healthy. You can enjoy a moderate amount of fat and have the vitamins or essential nutrients. The protein from the chicken actually enhances muscle recovery and improves metabolism. This option can be eaten as part of a Keto diet, is gluten free if using the appropriate ingredients.

If you decide to eat regular fried chicken anyway (sometimes the craving is strong!), then below we will list the pros and cons of eating fried chicken after a workout.

Is it Okay to Eat Fried Chicken After a Workout?
Is it Okay to Eat Fried Chicken After a Workout? Image provided by Markus Winkley via Unsplash

Pros and Cons of Eating Fried Chicken After a Workout

Here are a few benefits of eating fried chicken after a workout:

  • It can still offer all the nutrients needed for muscle recovery and satiety because of the protein and fat.
  • The fat and protein may be heavy enough to keep the stomach full for hours, which means you will be less likely to snack in between meals.
  • It satiates cravings for fat and salt during a cheat day keeping you more likely to stick to a healthy diet once you go back.

Here are a few drawbacks of eating fried chicken after a workout:

  • It cannot be eaten regularly post-workout.
  • Eating a lot of it in one sitting can lead to poor digestion and heartburn.
  • Heavy meals like fried chicken can set your weight loss goals back because it is heavy in calories.
  • Can defeat the hard work of your calorie burning workout for weight loss.

How Much Chicken Should You Eat After a Workout?

Generally, it is recommended that you have 0.8g of protein per kilogram of body weight. On average this amounts to 200g of chicken. After completing an intense session of reps at the gym, it is important to restore the lost fat with protein and carbs, even if that means occasionally eating fried chicken with rice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I eat immediately after a workout?

Yes, you can eat immediately after a workout. Exercising hacks into glycogen stores, so eating a meal or even a snack within two hours of completing your workout can help to restore your muscles’ food source. Make sure the meal has both proteins and carbohydrates, such as fruits.

What to eat after a workout?

After a workout, it is essential to eat something that has carbohydrates and protein. Doing so promotes muscle recovery, enhances strength, and reduces chances of bloating. Snacks such as yogurt, salads, and fruits are a great after-workout meal.

Final Thoughts

Eating chicken after a workout isn’t healthy, although having it occasionally will not hurt. There are alternative versions that is healthier and allows you the benefits of having it more regularly. The recipe is listed above and recommended for taste and ease. If you want more options, you can Google baked crispy chicken or air fried chicken versions and pick one that you are satisfied with.

If you eat a reasonable portion of fried chicken, you’ll get to enjoy it while maintaining your healthy physique. Enjoying it this way is actually recommended by nutritionists when incorporated into a healthy diet. That’s because allowing a cheat day may help you to reduce overeating unhealthy foods overall. Therefore, eat responsibly and do not allow yourself to defeat your health goals by overeating foods that will set you back.


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