5 Things You Should Do After Being Cheated On

5 Things You Should Do After Being Cheated On
5 Things You Should Do After Being Cheated On. Image provided by Mitchell Hollander via Unsplash

5 Things You Should Do After Being Cheated On

Your partner just cheated on you, and it hurts. You are angry, confused, and not sure what you want to do. Your partner is asking you to give them another chance. They swear up and down that they love you, and it was a mistake. It’s just that you are just not sure yet what you want to do.

I encourage you to seek couples therapy to help you and your partner through this.

You love them too, but should they be given another chance? Maybe. You need time to think. You are just too angry and hurt right now to have a decent conversation with them and that’s ok. Take all the time you need.

The first thing that you need to know is that it is possible to get over this. It may not be easy, but it can be done if you are swaying towards staying together with your partner. You and your partner need to be on the same page, though. Both of you must want to keep the relationship and be willing to do what is needed to rebuild the broken trust.

Below are some tips on how to keep a relationship after being cheated on.

5 Things You Should Do After Being Cheated On
5 Things You Should Do After Being Cheated On. Image provided by Diana Polekhina via Unsplash

5 Things You Should Do After Being Cheated On


Allow yourself to heal.

Healing a broken heart takes time. Do not force yourself to forgive your partner if you aren’t ready. At the same time, you must avoid building a wall around your heart to protect it from being hurt again. When you are in any type of relationship, it is going to take exposing your heart. Without true healing, rebuilding a relationship can be very difficult if not an impossible task. Maintaining a wall around your heart to protect it from being hurt again will not allow any relationship to grow and will cause it to stagnate and eventually die.

Don’t automatically assume it’s over

Yes, your partner cheated on you, but does that mean your relationship is over? If your intent is to reconcile, then you need to decide which has more weight; your relationship or the hurtful feeling he or she has caused from the cheating. Do you really love your partner? Is your relationship worth saving? If so, then open yourself up to the possibility that there might still a bright future for the two of you. It may take a bit of extra work, but everyone deserves a second chance after all.

5 Things You Should Do After Being Cheated On
5 Things You Should Do After Being Cheated On. Image provided by Nik Shuliahin via unsplash


Determine the root of the problem

To help move forward in the relationship, it is important to know what caused the cheating in the first place. This will help you avoid having the same problem in the future. You and your partner should sit down and have an honest heart-to-heart conversation about what happened. Resist the urge in getting entangled with wanting to know every detail that’s not helpful in moving forward! This is not the time to start blaming and can actually make moving about difficult, and way too painful.

Be honest with yourself.

It is also useful to ask yourself some difficult questions and try to answer them as honestly as you can. Can you still see yourself living with your partner after what he/she has done? Do you believe you can restore the relationship to what it was before your partner cheated? Do you think you can trust your partner again after what happened? If you can honestly answer “yes” to these questions, then you are ready to move on and continue with the relationship.

Seek help if needed.

Sometimes, a fresh perspective from a third party can go a long way. When our judgement is clouded from our past and/or our emotions, it is difficult to make good decisions that will be beneficial for you and your partner in the long run. Do not be ashamed to admit that you need help. You can start by seeking advice from friends and family members. You can also seek professional help if you think it can help you.


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