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How Long Does It Take to Lose Over 20lbs

How Long Does It Take to Lose Over 20lbs
How Long Does It Take to Lose Over 20lbs. Image provided by I Yunmai via Unsplash

How Long Does It Take to Lose Over 20lbs – Is It Worth the Effort?

When it comes to weight loss, you want to aim for good and steady improvement according to Mayo Clinic because you are most likely to maintain it. The rate at which you lose weight will depend on factors that range from your hydration (water weight!) calorie intake, exercise routine, sleep schedule, and genetics. Your weight loss journey and the rate at which you lose the weight will be unique to you.

The question asked is if the weight loss will be worth it? My answer is that if you have extra weight that maybe unhealthy, then of course it can be worth it. The health benefits of losing the excess fat can be:

  • Lower your blood pressure.
  • Decrease heart disease.
  • Help improve sleep apnea.
  • More energy
  • Over 20lbs (10kgs) lighter!
  • Less pain
  • Improved blood sugars

Generally, it takes an average human around a couple of months to lose over 20lbs or 10 kgs when it is lost in a healthy manner. It should be noted that it depends heavily upon water weight, diet, and exercise. It could take more or less time, but experts suggest that a 2-month time frame is a healthy timeframe to lose over 20lbs 0r 10 kgs.

How Long Does It Take to Lose Over 20lbs
How Long Does It Take to Lose Over 20lbs. Image provided by Kimzy Nanney via Unsplash

What is the Healthiest Way to Lose over 20lbs or 10 kgs Quickly?


Count Calories

No matter what diet you follow, weight loss occurs when you use more energy than you consume. When you keep track of your calorie intake, it allows you to be more aware of how much you are eating and make you conscious of making healthier choices if you previously have not been.

Drink More Water

Up your water intake if you aren’t drinking enough water! Water helps support your weight loss efforts, especially when you swap out calorie containing drinks with water. You may even find that drinking water with meals will help you to feel full, reducing appetite and food intake.

Reduce Your Refined Carbohydrate Consumption

Refined carbohydrates on the higher glycemic index with low fiber spikes your blood sugar rapidly and crash, making you hungry again in a short period of time. Try swamping out refined carbohydrates such as: pasta, bread, sugary cereals, and pre-packaged products for whole foods.

Eat More Fiber

Fiber is excellent for gut bacteria and overall health. Fiber can help you achieve your weight loss goals when you incorporate more of it in your diet. There are two kinds of fiber: insoluble and soluble. Both will give you excellent health benefits. Insoluble fiber bulks up your stool, while soluble fiber will keep you full for much longer. Vegetables, seeds, fruits, and nuts are all great sources of fiber! Incorporate them in your lifestyle because they are an important part of a healthy diet.


Work your body for at least 45mins a day for 5 days a week! Being physically active will improve your overall health. It helps manage your weight, reduce disease, improve your immune system, strengthen your muscles and bone. The more active you are, the better your ability to train.

Get Enough Sleep

Poor sleep causes stress on the body! Sleep is essential for the body to recover and to improve your overall health, which is essential if you want to lose body fat. Studies have found that those who do not get adequate sleep, in time, can increase your risk of chronic health issues.

Set Reasonable Goals

If you set realistic goals, you can lose should be able to lose 1-2lbs a week and achieve your goals by 2.5-5months time. People who lose weight steadily and in a healthy way are much more likely to keep it off because they are following a diet that has become their new healthy lifestyle.

Hold Yourself Accountable

How Long Does It Take to Lose Over 20lbs
How Long Does It Take to Lose Over 20lbs. Image provided by Thought Catalog via Unsplash

Is it Healthy to Lose over 20lbs or 10 kgs in a Month?

When you lose quite a bit of weight in a short period of time, it is most likely water weight. Losing over 20lbs or 10kgs in short period of time requires a lot of energy expenditure that isn’t healthy nor sustainable long term.

Following strict diet plans and harsh workout routines to lose weight fast can result in quick weight rebound, which is your body attempt to bound back to your pre-diet weight. Your body is an incredible machine that will slow down the metabolism to conserve energy.

This is the last think you want when you are trying to lose weight!

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, it takes around 2-5 months to lose around 20lbs or 10 kgs. If you are consistent with any of the healthy methods listed above, you might even do it sooner. Remember to eat properly from right energy source, get enough sleep, and exercise.

Carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, rice and juices provide quick energy, but you also need greater portions of it to feel satiated, which is what you should aim to avoid.

Try swapping out the refined carbohydrates for protein-rich foods such as chicken, eggs, yogurt, milk and fiber from vegetables. These alternatives are quite filling, healthier, and satiate hunger pangs. You will be less likely to overeat.

Exercise and adequate sleep help your body to burn excess fat and recover. You can aim for at least 45min of cardio to get the heart pumping, resistance training to maintain lean muscle mass, and at least 8 hours of sleep to help the body recover.

These are just some suggestions but do what works for you! Remember, this is a new healthy lifestyle you are incorporating into your life and must be sustainable!


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